Our latest initiative:
Vegreville Rotary Skatepark & Donor Recognition
The Skatepark aims to be a free, fun and creative activity for all ages to enjoy for years to come.
Please share your name and mention your donating to our latest initiative, the Vegreville Rotary skatepark.
Why was EICF started?
A similar fund, Battle River Community Foundation, was created in 1995. This fund has grown in 23 years to over $14 million dollars in endowment and has granted over $5 Million to various causes since inception.
EICF acknowledges the deep impact a fund of this nature can create and commits itself to the purpose of building a similar level of engagement in the communities that we live, play and work.
Why Donate to EICF?
Your donation stays in the community and provides support in perpetuity. Your generosity will help future generations. EICF can be considered a source of funding for projects and activities related to:
Culture – Museums, Festivals
Community Groups – Food Banks, Early Childhood Development
School Programs
Enhanced senior services
Applications for grants are accepted each fall. Flow-through grants, which are given by an individual or organization to the Elk Island Community Foundation for the sole purpose of being sent directly to a specific organization, can be made at any time.
Please share your name and mention your donating
to our latest initiative, the Vegreville Rotary skatepark.
Creating meaningful impact for the communities within the Elk Island region.
Elk Island Community Foundation (EICF) is a newly incorporated foundation, with the mission to positively impact the communities within the Elk Island region.
Funds donated to EICF will be allocated to the betterment of communities within:
County of Lamont
County of Minburn
County of Two Hills
EICF aims to resource and fund a wide variety of initiatives; facilitating the necessary administrative duties for residents and businesses to give.
As a registered charity donations will be issued a tax receipt.
Ways to Give
Gift of Cash or Credit Card
Gift through Will
Gift of Life Insurance
Gift of Charitable Remainder Trusts
Endowment funds can be named, and the use specified indefinitely. For example, ‘John Adams Fund for Children’ could donate to school lunch programs, boys & girls clubs etc.
Non-Endowment funds can be used for administering EICF and promoting the foundation throughout the region.
Find Out More: donate@eicf.ca
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a community foundation?
A foundation serves to connect donor generosity with the needs in their community, creating flourishing and sustainable communities to live, now and in the future.
How does it differ from a charity?
One key difference is that EICF does not focus on a single need or cause; the structure allows for flexibility so it can respond to the most pressing needs in the community. However, like other charities, it has to conform to the strict requirements of Canada Revenue Agency regulations for charitable organizations.
Another defining difference is that the majority of donations are invested in endowment funds and each year a portion of the income helps those in need. In time, the funds build and eventually the amount of the original donation is paid out over and over again in the form of grants to registered charities.
How is the money distributed?
Each year the Elk Island Community Foundation carries out the wishes of donors and provides grants to charities to help address critical needs in the Elk Island catchment area.
Applications are submitted by charitable organizations. Applications are reviewed by a grant committee of the board with recommendations for grants going to the board for approval.
There are two ways in which these decisions are guided:
Donors set up funds that restrict granting to specific charities or causes they wish to support.
Donors donate to unrestricted funds that allow the Foundation to choose the projects best suited to meet community needs.